Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Rapunzel Science Investigation

In our science work we have been thinking about materials.

Last week we decided that glass wasn't a good material for a shoe, so we designed some new shoes for Cinderella to wear to the ball.

This week we focused on Rapunzel, and whether hair is a good material for climbing up a tower. This led to a discussion on which type of thread is the strongest. We designed an investigation to compare washing line, cotton, silk embroidery thread, wool and ribbon.  First we attached a thread to the handle of a bucket, then we added a weight to the bucket and lifted it for 10 seconds. If there were no problems we changed the weight for a heavier one and repeated it. We kept doing this until the thread broke, or we ran out of weights! Then we recorded the heaviest weight that we had successfully lifted. We repeated this for each type of thread.

Finally we compared our results. Some of us were very surprised! We definitely all agreed that we had enjoyed investigating, we're planning more fairytale science for the next few lessons!


  1. We had lots of fun waing stuf for topic

  2. Hayden says he loves what he has been learning. :-)

  3. it looks really exciting what the children are doing in the experiments

  4. It was so cool what we did in topic the waing was the best
    One of the strings snapt on 500 the washing line was the strong ist it was the best
    Thing in topic it was a mazing doing the work by Evie.

  5. We love your experiment. We'd love to hear more about what happened. The video was really cool!!
