Friday, 25 January 2013

In the Universe

This week we found a fabulous website which really made us think about how big the universe is.

Scale of the Universe

Although we didn't understand what some of the smallest, and largest things were we enjoyed exploring the site!

We enjoyed it so much that we decided to use our literacy time to write poems based on some of our favourite things in the universe. (Inspired by an idea from Pie Corbett.) We worked really hard to think of imaginative descriptions, and we even included some alliteration and some similes and metaphors!

Here is our class poem...

In the Universe

In the Universe...
Droplets of mist glide gently through the calm, cold air.
My smooth, delicate teapot sits on a sunny windowsill, brewing hot tea.
 The Angel Falls echo with the sound of splashes in the deep water below.
Pluto sadly reflects on his joyful memories of being a planet.
The sun shines like a precious, golden coin, brightening up everyone's day.
The stars in the Milky Way glitter like gemstones on a gorgeous necklace.

The children have all added their own poems in the comments section. Please read them, and let us know what you think!


  1. In the Universe...

    A matchstick lit up with a flame of fire shining like the sun.
    An Amphilicoeslias fragilimus stomps like a gigantic giant.
    A football field sits gently in the sunlight.
    Jupiter gleams brightly.
    The deathly sun burns.

  2. In the universe

    In the universe...
    a droplet of mist shines in the moonlight
    the sun lights up like gold
    the sand meets the sea at the beach
    the stars look down on us all.

  3. In the Universe

    In the Universe...

    A matchstick lights up in the clear night sky.
    A sunflower sways gently in the warm breeze.

    In the Universe...
    A Tyrannosaurus Rex stomps as loud as a giant.
    A football field gleams on a dark, freezing night.

    In the Universe...
    Angel Falls gives fresh water to the river below.
    The sun shines on us like a precious golden coin.

    1. Emre, this is amazing! Daddy and mummy are very proud of you.

  4. In the universe

    In the Universe...
    A penny shines in the sunlight.
    A giraffe stretches its long neck to reach the juicy leaves.
    A blue whale swims through the deep blue sea.
    Tyrannosaurus Rex eats bright red blood.

  5. In the Universe...
    The Statue of Liberty glances into the people having joyful moments together.

    In the Universe...
    The Angel Falls drops water like the gentle sun going down.

    In the Universe...
    The Titanic sinks sadly into the water and the people are terrified.

  6. In the Universe...
    Grains of sand sit on a hot peaceful, smooth beach.
    Sunflowers give a charming smell for you to enjoy.

    In the Universe...
    The Angel Falls have outstanding water.
    Pluto had joyful moments when he was a planet.

    In the Universe...
    The stars in the Milky Way shine like a golden necklace.

  7. In the Universe...
    The Angel falls is a wall of fresh, clean water, it is stunning.

    In the Universe...
    The Great Wall of China stands there and poses like a statue.

    In the Universe...
    Pluto sits and thinks and thinks about all of his memories about being a planet.

    In the Universe...
    The Cartwheel Galaxy is spinning in circles like a ballet dancer.

  8. the statue of liberty looks in the distance at people sharing joyful moments to gever.
    the eiffel tower stans in the soothing air in fabuls frans.
    chicks peek out of cracks in their delicate eggs.
    Angel Falls is a beautiful fresh water dripping down the Angel Falls.
    The cone Nebula sparkles like a cloud of glitter.

  9. In the universe...
    The Titanic sank slowly and the pyramids are sad.
    The pyramids stand cooking in the breeze.
    A shining penny sparkles in the sun.
    An ant walks in the garden looking far its queen.

  10. In the universe...
    Sunflowers stand in the sun in a fresh and breezy night.
    Milky Way galaxy in the starry night.

    In the universe...
    Cartwheel galaxy is cartwheeling in the universe.
    Elephants are stamping their feet on the cold day.

    in the universe...
    Pluto is in the sky thinking of the momments of when he was a planet.
    Earth is in the sky.

  11. In the universe...... A ant crawls very slowly in the night.
    A Japanese Spider Crab swims in the sea.
    The largest virus makes people ill.
    Football games make you sweat.
    I would like to climb a big huge mountain.

  12. In the universe...
    The Rosette Nebula fire burning skulls as hot as the sun.
    Thousands of ants creepily crawl to get food.
    Japanese Spider Crabs claws are as sharp as a sharks tooth.

  13. In the Universe...
    The very hot sun shines on me.
    A red teapot holds smooth, hot, burning tea.
    The sun shines on a big football pitch.
    Pluto thinks of all the other planets.
    The Milky Way sees everything.

  14. In the universe...
    The Angel Falls splashes into the deep dark cave.
    Tiny Pluto is thinking about all the other planets.

    In the universe...
    Saturn is hulahooping around the sun.
    Ginormous Jupiter has stunning stripy spots.

  15. In the Universe........
    A marble rolls smoothly across the floor.
    The Angel Falls has lots of really shiny water. Italy is a place where you can live. Pluto is sadly nolonger a planet.

  16. In the universe...
    A dust mite looks for disgusting,dusty dumps in the town.
    A dodo bird makes a gleaming,glittering and sparlee sound like a parot.

    In the universe...
    The most precious giraffe escapes this country.
    The Titanic sinks into the deep water below.

    In the universe...
    The Statue of Liberty is shining in New York.
    Pluto is talking to his self and crying like a cute shining star.

    In the universe...
    Barnard`s loop is singing like a rock star.

  17. It was poemtastic Eek

  18. wowser they are better than me and Lucies

  19. Lucie,Millie's Daddy25 January 2013 at 21:27

    i've walked the... Great wall of China as Lucie know's ha-ha

  20. Wow! What fantastic poems. I can see you have all worked so hard to achieve such brilliant poetry.

  21. In the universe...
    A soft,silky string is flicking in the wind.
    The milky ways stars shine like diamonds.

    In the universe...
    A ant looks for lots of left over food.
    The Titanic sank along time ago.

    In the universe...
    A humming bird humes "hmm hmm hmm"all day long.
    The space station shimers all space long.

    In the universe...
    Halley`s comet shoots down on to the ground.
    Virgo A shines like a gold coin.

    In the universe...
    A plank gets trod on by a human.
    In the winter the leaves of a red wood tree fall off.

  22. Wow Jets! Your Universe poems are amazing. I enjoyed reading them all so much.

    Mrs Dennis

  23. In the Universe

    In the Universe...
    Earth has lots of good languages.
    Mars is hot like fire.
    The grey moon helps you to go to sleep like sleeping spray.
    The Sun is like a lightbulb shining brightly in the solar system.

  24. In the Universe

    In the universe...
    Angel Falls sparkles soft, stunning water coming down from the wierd shape of a rock.
    My blue whale swims in the dark, fabulous sea.
    Enormous Jupiter is covered in spots.
    Tyrannosaurus Rex enormous and stomping like an elephant.

  25. In the universe...
    Eggs hatch into new life.
    Water races down the Angel Falls into the slow-moving river.

    In the universe...
    Busy astronauts work in the International Space Station.
    Mars, red as a rose, is covered in craters.
    The Milky Way sparkles like a million gold coins.

  26. In the Universe...
    The giant earthworm is exploring under the shivering ground.
    Pluto wishes he was a giant planet, like Jupiter and Saturn.
    The football field's grass is sharper than a hedgehog and a splinter.
    The Japanese Spider Crab is snapping its fingers searching for juicy fish.
    The Milky Way's stars are like a smooth milky necklace.


  27. In the universe...
    Earth is the cleverest becauseit has lots of bright people.
    Pluto sadly moves about, small and little.
    The Sun shines brightly down on us.

    In the universe...
    Venus has lots of thundering clouds.
    The Milky Way's stars shine like a gorgeous necklace.

  28. Fantastic imagination Luke. Mummy is so proud of you. Well done the Jets class. Keep up the good work!!!

  29. Wow! Awesome poems! We really enjoyed these, Topaz

  30. wow your poems are terrific! Well done Jets

  31. Wow! What wonderful poems. They are all so good it is difficult to pick out the bits I like best. I like the simplicity of lines like "A marble rolls smoothly across the floor." and the more complex lines like "Angel Falls sparkles soft, stunning water coming down from the wierd shape of a rock."

    All so brilliant. Well done.

  32. Wow the in the univms game is gude.

  33. Great ideas and some well-chosen words. Keep on writing poems and being creative.

  34. WOW!!!This is brillant the best one was...Emre saiying angel falls gives fresh warter to the river below.These are the best poems ever.

  35. well done Jets fab writing kep it up

  36. aewsome job keep it up good that pie corbett replyed eek i'm amaze fab brill i don't know what else to say you tell me some to make me say they're good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Great poems.We really enjoyed reading them.

    By Hannah and Charlotte

  38. I like the stuff you have all made its awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. You all do some busy stuff by jack

  40. Wow that is an awesome piece of work

  41. It's funny and happy.

    By Spencer and Dominic

  42. WOW we like the poem. Well done.

    BY Katy Esme.

  43. thancyw fur this gam misdavise

  44. In the universe...
    A ant scutles across the ground
    The milky way glittering in the night sky.

    In the universe...
    The titanic sank deep beeneth the ocean
    A rocket blasets up high in space

    In the universe...
    A giant giraffe stommped on the floor
    An elaphant made a loud BANG!!!

    In the universe...
    Thee human walked across he dance floor.
