Thursday 29 March 2012

The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore

Today we watched a fabulous short film, called The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore.

We really enjoyed the film, it made us laugh, and some of us (Mrs Tezgel and I) nearly cry! But it definitely made us think, and talk, about how powerful books can be. I was very impressed by how well we understood the film, and it's messages.

For a challenge please watch the film again at home, then write something about it. It could be your own version of the story, it could be a sequel ( the story of the new girl in the library) or it could just be a review of the film! Whatever you write, please either leave it as a commment, or bring me a paper copy after the Easter Holiday.


  1. one day i was wrighting a book when some thing happend sundely i saw a tornado i screamd arght! the it took me to a land i saw a girl flying with some books then i saw a house i went in it i saw a pichtir it was the girl and then a book had umptidumpte it was a live the the next day i seld the books then 100 days later the books flyed a round me i turnd young then they took me bakc home then a nother girl came while i turned into a book

  2. the book is awsome

  3. Lochlan and bradley31 March 2012 at 18:04

    hi me and bradley dw think the fanttastick flying book of mr morris lesmore is REALY funny!

  4. One sunny day I was making a book.Just then there was a storm and the storm blew everything in the town to peaces then I landed in a house and I landed in a land of books.After that I got to the park and a booklady came to me and i went to the house and 99 years later i was trasford into a book and a girl took my place.

  5. i think the story is realy really funny!!!!!!!
