Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Three Little Pigs-Storytelling

Today in literacy we continued our work on the Three Little Pigs. Today we worked as a team to design a storymap to help us tell the story, we made sure to include some connectives from yesterday's work.

Then we worked in groups to practice telling the story, with actions, using our storymap. Finally, each group performed the story for the rest of the class.

Each group did a fabulous job, as you can see in the videos below...

Tomorrow we will be using our storymaps to help us write the story!


  1. my name is evie this vidiow is nice and it is cool .

  2. I enjoyed learning about the Three Little Pigs. I was nervous when being videoed.

  3. Your videos are awesome! Well done Jets

  4. We loved acting the three little I really loved it. We are awsome .jets class by Evie& Jessica.

  5. Your videos are fantastic amazing

  6. We think you did a great job with your retelling. Great job acting out the parts!!

  7. We did the best video jets class. It was A mazing the acting Was we are doing
    So so hard jets class we are getting there. By Evie

  8. Helo jets class when we did art on frirday I love doing it
