Friday 30 August 2013

Iggy Peck, Architect

Today we read a great book-Iggy Peck, Architect.

It is all about a boy who dreams of becoming an architect. In the book he creates models out of unusual items, including a tower made out of nappies!

At the end of the story he saves his teacher and his whole class by designing a bridge to escape from an island!

We were so inspired by the book that we did lots of exciting activities...
  • We drew our own designs of buildings made from food
  • We thought about our dream jobs
  • We created buildings using only spaghetti and marshmallows
  • We painted our own blueprints
What a busy day!

Leave a comment about the book, or about our activities today.


  1. Wow, we love the creations and may have to do similar in nursery. Blog looks great!! xx

  2. Looks like they had lots of fun today.

  3. Looks like they had lots of fun today and Olivia said she really enjoyed doing the activities and the hands look really good. Marie

  4. I lice gowin on compyuters

  5. my name is liam i like playing fotbul

  6. Looks really cool

  7. It is really nice is when we were lernen A bout iggy peck
    It was really cool how we did it it was a mazing doing the work
    I love it jets I really think we can keep it up jets class by Evie .

  8. the best clas in the world

  9. Great job Jets for creativity! Well done to you all.
