Monday 8 July 2013

Jungle Day Films

We all had a fabulous time at our "Jungle Day" last Friday, and all looked fabulous in our jungle explorers gear!

During the day we worked in groups to plan, film and edit our own films. We used our school nature area as our filming location-it made a great rainforest for the day!

We also made our own cheesy snakes, and looked at some tropical fruits, which we made into fruit kebabs.  Emre had also baked some delicious monkey cakes for the whole class! It worked out well because after filming in the sunshine we were ready for a delicious jungle picnic!

Here are our jungle films, and a slides how of "behind the scenes" photos from our day!



  1. Your films were amaxing. We loved watching them
    The Sapphires

  2. Wow, what an amazing video. Luke I think you will be an actor!! Mummy is very proud of you and all of the Jets class. Well done Mrs Davies, I particularly like the credits at the end, brilliant!!!
