Wednesday 26 June 2013

Our Rainforest Picture Books

Last week in literacy we were inspired by the book "Where the Forest meets the Sea" by Jeannie Baker. It is all about a boys real, and imaginary journey through the Australian rainforest.

We really enjoyed the book, and found it very though provoking, especially the ending where the boy wonders what will happen to the rainforest in the future.

We decided to focus on using all our senses to imagine and describe our own journey through the rainforest.

As we were so impressed by the illustrations in the original book, we decided to use the ipads to create our own picture books, with words and illustrations. They took a while to complete, but they were definitely worth it!

Click on the names below to read that child's book. We are very proud of our work, so please let us know what you think!

Ella                    Luke                   Callum               Hannah               

Vincent             Malacie               Millie M             Michael              

Jack                  Leah                    Louis                  Millie F 

Evie                   Lucie                  Ryan                   Emre 

Eve                    Sam                    Aimee                 Olivia                   




  1. i really enjoyed making these can we do something like this again.

  2. Evre bodys was cool

  3. they a fabulous i really want to do it again you are a ggreat theacher well done MRS DAVIES!

  4. eve"s book was rillie good

  5. millie and aimee's daddy30 June 2013 at 17:47

    Very imaginative stories.

  6. Hi I love the stories that all of you made see if you can make another book like this again but BETTER than these stories. I have just looked at my book and Aimee's book and my dad said they were great!!! Hope we can do something like this again soon and Mrs Davis next time you tell us to do this you do it as well and everyone make sure she does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. michaens cake whas so yuuumy i wished i had some more.

  8. michaels cake was sooooo colfull.

  9. i like learning about the jungle in are topic.

  10. the forestfoore lookes very dark.

  11. Fantastic books! You are very talented writers! Well done

  12. there amazing everybodys WELL DONE! well done to you mrs daives to !

  13. Milliem and Bethany.3 July 2013 at 14:08

    well done Olivia!!! You put lots of efort into your book about the rainforest and you have put lots of good wow words and descrybing words. You had pictures that mached your writing.You really desive a WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I love your picture books, well done Jets!
