Monday 8 April 2013

Strange Events!

At the weekend Mrs Savage got a phonecall to say that something had crashed in our playground!

We didn't know anything about it until we got to school this morning, and were greeted by some strange sights and sounds. We had a special assembly, where Mrs Savage explained that she didn't know exactly what had happened, but it was safe and that we might be able to help the police and the scientists to investigate the mystery landing.

We decided to be journalists for the day. We investigated the scene, took photos, interviewed different people and even helped the police with some fingerprints! Finally we wrote our own newspaper articles, and some of us even made a video news update to share what we had learnt!

Here are some photos of our day...We will share our news reports later!


  1. hello its hannah i got one woud to say about the tent mstireeys

  2. Wow strange this happening at school, did you find out what happened?

  3. Well Mrs Davies, I was wondering what was going on....... Looks like the Jets class will solve the mystery!!

  4. how is the mystery going

  5. I finc it is a masivmonst

  6. The tent is AMAZING!I especially like the goo. Its a MYSTERTY!

  7. Wow it really is a mystery!I extremelly didn't know where the goo came from!What do you think it is? Because i don't.
