Thursday 1 March 2012

Wind-Up Toys

In DT last term we made our own wind-up toys.

We started by thinking of a design, we had lots of different ideas; some of us planned an Incy Wincy spider toy, some wanted to make cranes, some planned beanstalks and trees, and lots of us wanted to make Rapunzel's Tower! 

After we had drawn and labelled our design, we started collecting lots and lots of cardboard tubes and other resources to make them with.

once we had collected all the resources we made the basic shape of our toy, then started to paper-mache it to make it stronger. Next we painted our models, then made any extra props we needed.

Finally we made a winding mechanism, and put our finished toys together.

We all really enjoyed making our toys, even if we had a lot of mess to tidy up afterwards!



  1. making the wind up toys was hard but fun

  2. Georgia's Mummy3 March 2012 at 21:45

    I really enjoyed looking at all the photo's of you making your wind up toys. It looked like it got VERY messy - but great fun!

  3. I love Mrs Deavs

  4. that was realy great

  5. izzys sister mia28 June 2012 at 17:46

    Hi Jets it looked like you had great fun making your wind up toys.
